
An exceptional tour 'for birders' from Colombia's central and western Andes to the endemic-rich Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

2026 Dates
  • 17 Oct - 02 Nov 2026
Duration17 Days
2026 Price
£7695 pp
£875 single supplement. Deposit £1500

pre-flight airport hotel and lounge are inc.

Max Group Size12

Colombia has nearly 2000 bird species, more than any other country in the world, and its diverse geography and landscape make this a wonderful destination for birdlovers. On this tour we cover the eastern, central and western slopes of the Andes, the Magdalena Valley hotspot, the Santa Marta mountains and many others to give a good selection of habitats and birdlife. We anticipate perhaps over 500 species, more than on any other Heatherlea tour including chances of over 35 Colombian endemics!

The tour features too many birds to name them individually and daily birding will include colourful mixed flocks of tanagers, woodpeckers, toucans, fruiteaters, antpittas and hummingbirds. We visit many different habitats including beautiful reserves and breathtaking landscapes in various regions of the country, from high-altitude locations to the coast for many shorebirds.

This is an intensive tour by Heatherlea standards with a number of centres, though this is important to cover the numerous ‘specialities' on this high-activity tour. Our itinerary will be most suited to those with a strong birding perspective and we seek a number of species difficult to see anywhere else in the world. There will be many highlights from rare Yellow-eared Parrot to the wonderful Andean Cock-of-the-Rock and the bizarre Oilbird. The volume of exciting available species can be truly overwhelming and we also take time to enjoy some cultural aspects including a bird-friendly Colombian coffee tour. Accommodation has been carefully selected for quality and to be in prime position for planned wildlife activities. Colombia is a fabulous birding destination though it is a large country and some drives can be lengthy. The inclusion of internal flights is an important feature, maximising our birding time and chances to build a large birdlist!

Enjoy your complimentary pre-flight overnight hotel before your holiday begins. Full details from our office! Read more about our Pre-flight Service here!

Day 1: Arrival in Colombia
After relaxing in our complimentary VIP Airport Lounge, we fly from London to Bogotá, where Andrés our local guide will meet the group. Andres is a Colombian national with extensive birding experience, and is also a veteran of many Heatherlea tours in Ecuador and Galapagos. We transfer to the Hilton Garden Inn, Bogota where we will stay for the next two nights.

Day 2: Guajira Forest, La Calera and Hummingbird Observatory

Our first day, and we visit three sites offering a perfect introduction to high-quality Colombian birding. Lying to the east of the capital and at an altitude of 2800-3200m, the Guajira Forest is part of the buffer zone of Chingaza National Park. Offering a sanctuary to many birds including endemics it will be a great place to start, with threatened Brown-breasted Parakeet and Silvery-throated Spinetail both possible here. Important near-endemics including Bronze-tailed Thornbill, Golden-fronted Redstart, Pale-breasted Tapaculo, and Glowing and Rufous-browed Conebill are also early targets! Also regular are Black-chested Buzzard-eagle, Black-billed Mountain-toucan, White-chinned Thistletail, White-browed Spinetail, Sedge Wren, Many-striped Canastero, Black-headed Hemispingus with the possibility of seeing an as yet undescribed Rufous Antpitta too! Reptilian and mammalian interest is headlined by the rare, hard to see Spectacled Bear. Referred to locally as Jukumari, this is South America's only bear species and the last remaining ‘Short-faced’ Bear anywhere in the world.

At La Calera we have another chance of Brown-breasted Parakeet and Streak throated Bush-tyrant, Black Flowerpiercer, Scarlet-bellied, Hooded and Lacrimose Mountain-tanagers Red-crested Cotinga and Smoky-brown Woodpecker may also feature. At the Hummingbird Observatory we have a good chance of a wide variety of dazzling species at the feeders. We may see Blue-throated Starfrontlet, and Coppery-bellied Puffleg which are near-endemics. Green and Black Trainbearer, Tyrian Metaltail, Sparkling and Green Violetear, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Mountain Velvetbreast, Purple-backed Thornbill, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam, White-bellied Woodstar and Amethyst-throated Sunangel and perhaps a few others - a spectacle of colour on just our first days birding!

Day 3: La Florida Park and El Tabacal Lake
An early morning visit to La Florida, a local urban park where we search for Bogotá Rail and Apolinar's Wren. Both are Bogotá endemics and we may also see near-endemic Spot-flanked Gallinule. Also likely here are American Coot, Noble Snipe, Yellow-hooded Blackbird and Subtropical Doradito. We then leave the city, driving for just over an hour to Tabacal Lake to look for Rosy Thrush-tanager, Short-tailed Emerald, Grey-throated Warbler and Black-headed Brushfinch and others in the surrounding scrub and forest. Bar-crested Antshrike, Red-billed Scythebill, Blue-lored, White-bellied and Dusky Antbird, Rufous-naped Greenlet, and Plain-coloured and Scrub Tanager may also feature. Possible in this area too are endemic Apical Flycatcher and Velvet-fronted Euphonia and both are most easily found in dry scrub near the coffee plantations along the main highway. After lunch we have a lengthy drive ahead of us, making a few stops in suitable looking areas for birds before arriving at Rio Claro, where we stay at Los Colores Hotel for two nights.

Day 4: Rio Claro Reserve
Rio Claro is a little piece of heaven, a forested canyon with crystal clear rivers. This is an amazing place for birders, and we walk the accessible paths and trails hoping to find endemic Magdalena Antbird, Antioquia Bristle-Tyrant and Beautiful Woodpecker. Also likely are Fasciated Tiger Heron, Barred Puffbird, Saffron-headed Parrot, Long-tailed Tyrant, Orange-chinned Parakeet, Citron-throated Toucan, Grey-cheeked Nunlet, Andean Immaculate Antbird, Black-throated Trogon, Chestnut-headed Oropendola, Fasciated Antshrike, Bright-rumped Attila and many more. Our guides will maintain a flexible approach and depending on our progress, we may visit Cueva de los Cóndores (Condor Cave) to try for bizarre-looking Oilbird today. After-dinner we plan to take a nocturnal walk to try to find Crested and Mottled Owl, while mammals seen during our time in the reserve might include endemic White-footed Tamarin Monkey and River Otter.

Day 5: Rio Claro to Rionegro

Today we have a full day in Rio Claro reserve and its surroundings, we set of with a hike through the trails of the lodge in order to try to look for: the endemic Antioquia Bristle Yyrant, Beautiful Woodpecker and Magdalena Antbirds. Among other species that we may encounter on our meander are Barred Puffbird, Saffron Headed Parrot, Long tailed Yyrant, Fasciated Tiger Heron, Orange chinned Parakeet, Citron throated Toucan, Grey checked Nunlet and Andean Immaculate Antbird among others.

In the afternoon we will continue on our journey, close to Medellin to overnight in Santiago de Armas Hotel located in Rionegro

Day 6: La Romera Park and Bolombolo
La Romera Park has good patches of forest habitat and a couple of hours here in the early morning will give us a chance to find endemic Red-bellied Grackle, Stiles Tapaculo and Colombian Chachalaca. Other species may include Rufous-banded Owl, Yellow-headed Manakin, Greenish Puffleg, Bar-crested Antshrike, Rufous-tailed Tyrant, Rufous-napped Greenlet, Pale-naped Brushfinch, Black-billed Pepper-shrike, Saffron-crowned and Scrub Tanager. Heading towards the small town of Jardin we make a few stops including Bolombolo where birding in a pleasant climate we try for three endemics. If lucky Greyish Piculet, Apical Flycatcher and Antioquia Wren (the latter only discovered in 2012) will all be seen before the drive to Jardin where we are well placed for some special targets over the next two days. We stay at Hotel Valdivia Plaza for two nights. 

Day 7: Yellow-eared Parrot Reserve
Yellow-eared Parrot is the most endangered species of the tour, inhabiting just a few small isolated areas of Wax Palm (Ceroxylon quindiuense), the national tree which is itself in danger of extinction. The small population restricted to the cloud forests within Colombia (and perhaps still also in parts of northern Ecuador) is estimated at just 1,500 individuals in the wild, and along with their equally endangered habitat the birds have been protected since the reserve was established in 2006. In 4x4 vehicles we ascend to between 1900 and 2600 metres above sea level to find this highly sought-after bird.

Rare endemic Dusky Starfrontlet and Chestnut-bellied Flowerpiercer may also be found in this high-altitude area, and other expected species include Tanager Finch, Chestnut-crested Cotinga, Golden-headed Quetzal, Rufous-breasted Flycatcher, Flammulated Treehunter, Citrine Warbler, Barred, Green and Black Fruiteater, Rufous-crowned Tody-flycatcher, Scarlet-rumped Cacique and Black-collared Jay. Chestnut-naped and Slate-crowned Antpitta are also likely, as is an array of colourful tanagers such as Lachrymose Mountain, Hooded Mountain, Purplish-mantled, Grass-green and Saffron-crowned. Prehistoric looking Wattled Guan is another possibility before we return to our hotel after a day exploring a special region of Colombia.

Day 8: Cock-of-the-Rock lek and transfer to Manizales
After an early breakfast, we visit one of the most accessible and easiest-to-reach sites for Andean Cock-of-the-Rock. One of the most stunning and iconic of South American birds, a visit to the lekking site will hopefully give us good views before continuing to nearby Bambusa for further birding. Highlights here may include Crimson-backed, Blue-necked, Flame-rumped and Scrub Tanager, Crested Bobwhite, Red-headed Barbet, Spectacled Parrotlet, Highland (Andean) Motmot , Blue-headed Parrot, Colombian Chachalaca, Rufous-tailed Hummingbird, Inca Jay , Clay-coloured Thrush, Green Hermit, Acorn woodpecker, Crimson-rumped Toucanet and many others. After a busy morning with plenty of new birds we drive south to Manizales where we stay at Recinto del Pensamiento Hotel for two nights.

Day 9: Rio Blanco Reserve
We have a full day to explore the fabulous Rio Blanco reserve where targets include Golden-fronted Whitestart (endemic), Masked Saltator, Collared and Bronzy Inca, Hooded Antpitta, Speckled Hummingbird, Plushcap, Rusty-faced Parrot, Bar-bellied Woodpecker, Red-hooded Tanager, Rufous-headed Pygmy Tyrant, Barred Becard, Tyrannine Woodcreeper, White-capped Dipper, Ash-colored Tapaculo, Dusky Piha, Yellow-billed Cacique and many more. The crowning glory of our time here will be a visit to an antpitta feeding station where we have a chance to see Brown-banded, Bicolored, Chestnut-crowned and Slate-crowned Antpitta. Green and Black Fruiteater are sometimes seen here too.

Day 10: Los Nevados National Park
We start the day with visits to local feeding stations for antpittas and hummingbirds. If lucky Chestnut-faced and Equatorial Antpittam plus Sparkling and Lesser Violetear, Tourmaline Sunangel, Tyrian Metaltail, Buff-winged Starfrontlet, Collared Inca and White-bellied Woodstar will feature alongside other species at the feeders.    

Located in the Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes, Los Nevados National Park is famous for its 17,400 ft volcano Nevado del Ruiz. By travelling as far into the mountains as possible we increase our chances of adding to our difficult species with endemic Rufous-fronted Parakeet and Buffy Helmetcrest high among our targets. Other desirable species include Black- chested Mountain-tanager, Black-headed Hemispingus, Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan, Mountain Velvetbreast, Great Saphirewing, Viridian Metaltail, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Booted Racket-tail, Bicoloured and Tawny Antpitta, Spillmann's and Paramo Tapaculo, Andean Tit-Spinetail, Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant, Rufous Wren, Plushcap, Plumbeous Sierra-Finch, Mountain Avocetbill, Black-thighed and Golden-breasted Puffleg, Rainbow-bearded Thornbill, White-browed Spinetail and Black-backed Tanager. After a great day in the hills we return to lower levels and the Termales del Ruiz Hotel for one night.

Day 11: Nevados National Park 
Today after breakfast, we will continue following the trails of Nevados National Park looking for more of the species of the area. We hope to connect with Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant, Rufous Wren, Plushcap, Plumbeous Sierra-Finch, Pale-naped Brush Finch, Mountain Avocetbill, Black thighed and Golden breasted pufflegs, Rainbow bearded thornbill, Great Saphirewing, White browed Spinetail, Paramo Tapaculo, Black backed tanagers and many others. After a full day in this National Park we will return to Recinto del Pensamiento hotel in Manizales

Day 12: Las Gaviotas and Camorones
After breakfast we will depart to Hacienda Venecia, where we will learn about this 100-year-old coffee land, the history of coffee in the region and in the Country.  A good place to find some north American migrants, and local species of birds. Walking leisurely around the property we see how the experts grow, pick and roast the beans and we’ll be invited to become involved in the processes, finished of course with a great cup of coffee!

After this relaxing morning, we transfer to Pereira for our flight to the Caribbean coast in the far north of Colombia. The inclusion of an internal flight saves us time and reduces our likelihood of missing out on birds. On arrival at Santa Marta airport, we depart heading through Flamencos National Park and Camarones area, with time to look for some of the Caribbean birds highlights like the Reddish Egret, Red-billed Emerald, Chestnut Piculet, Black-backed Antshrike, Caribbean Hornero, White-whiskered Spinetail, Slender-billed Tyrannulet, Tocuyo Sparrow, Vermilion Cardinal, Scarlet Ibis, White Ibis, Buffy Hummingbird and American Flamingo.

Our next destination is Las Gaviotas, a coastal lowland forest where we look for Lance-tailed Manakin, White-bellied Antbird, Buff-breasted Wren, Barred Antshrike, Golden-fronted Greenlet, Cocoa Woodcreeper, Crimson-crested Woodpecker and many others. Later at Camarones, Caribbean birds such as Reddish Egret, Red-billed Emerald, Chestnut Piculet, Black-backed Antshrike, Caribbean Hornero, Buffy Hummingbird, White-whiskered Spinetail, Slender-billed Tyrannulet, Tocuyo Sparrow, Vermilion Cardinal, Scarlet and White Ibis and American Flamingo may be seen. A new region of Colombia means lots of new species, and after a productive day we travel to La Guajira and the Gimaura Hotel where we stay for one night.

Day 13: Flamencos National Park

We make an early start to our day in order to visit Flamencos National Park, birding around the Caribbean coast looking for scarce birds restricted to dry scrub habitat. Among those we could see are Pale-tipped and Slender-billed Inezia, Double-striped Thick-knee, Vermilion Cardinal, Pearl Kite, Common Black-Hawk, Aplomado Falcon, American Kestrel, Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl, Bare-eyed Pigeon, Common Ground-dove, Brown-throated and Blue-crowned Parakeet, Green-rumped Parrotlet, Burrowing Owl, Ruby Topaz, Rufous-tailed Jacamar, Russet-throated Puffbird, Red-crowned Woodpecker.

In Flamencos National Park we meet with our native guayù guide who is on hand to help us to explore this amazing area.  The species list is almost endless with Streak-headed and Straight-billed Woodcreeper, Caribbean (pale legged) Hornero, Black-crested and Black-backed Antshrike, White-fringed Antwren, Northern Scrub-Flycatcher, Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet, Pale-eyed Pygmy-Tyrant, Pearly-vented Tody-Tyrant, Vermilion, Brown-crested, Venezuelan Flycatcher and Streaked Flycatcher, Tropical Gnatcatcher, Tropical Mockingbird, Scrub Greenlet, Glaucous Tanager, Black-faced Grassquit, Pileated Finch, Greyish and Orinocan Saltator, Saffron Finch, Yellow Oriole, Buff-necked Ibis and a range of shore birds all possible.

After this visit we will depart to Minca, a small town of two thousand inhabitants located at an altitude of 650 meters above sea level, nestled in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. It is home to more than 19 endemic bird species to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, of which nine are endangered, and seven threatened also amphibian species, including two critically endangered species, the Stub foot Toad (Atelopus nahumae) and a species of Harlequin frog (Atelopus laetissimus).

This wonderful scenery served in the past as home to the Tayrona culture and today are in the highlands indigenous belonging to the Kaggaba (Kogui), Ika (Arhuaco), Wiwa (Arzarios) and Kankuamo, the Sierra Nevada Santa Marta is the heart of the world, and they are the guardians.

In Minca, we transfer to by 4x4 vehicle to El Dorado Lodge where were stay for the next two nights.

Day 14: El Dorado Lodge and Reserve
Created in 2006 to protect one of the most fragile and important zones in Colombia, El Dorado Reserve is located in the Cuchilla de San Lorenzo in the north-western foothills. Home to more than 19 endemic bird species to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, nine are endangered and we will be sure of some great additions to our already large birdlist! Species we hope to see include White-rumped Hawk, Band-tailed and Sickle-winged Guan, Band-tailed Pigeon, Masked Trogon, Yellow-billed (Groove-billed) Toucanet, Montane Foliage-gleaner, Spotted Barbtail, Streaked Xenops, Gray-throated Leaftosser, Strong-billed Woodcreeper, Rusty-breasted and Rufous Antpitta, Mountain Elaenia, Black-capped, Venezuelan and White-throated Tyrannulet, Olive-striped and Cinnamon Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied Chat-Tyrant, Golden-breasted Fruiteater, Great Thrush, Slate-throated Redstart, Three-striped Warbler, White-sided Flowerpiercer, Blue-naped Chlorophonia and others.

The list of possible endemics is at its highest here, and we try for Santa Marta Parakeet, Santa Marta Screech-Owl, White-tailed Starfrontlet, Santa Marta Woodstar, Rusty-headed Spinetail, Santa Marta Antpitta, Brown-rumped Tapaculo, Santa Marta Bush-Tyrant, Yellow-crowned Redstart, White-lored Warbler, Santa Marta Warbler, Santa Marta Toucanet, Santa Marta mountain-Tanager; Black-backed Thornbill, Colombian Brush-Finch, Bang´s Wood-Wren, Santa Marta Blossomcrown, Santa Marta Foliage-gleaner, Santa Marta Tapaculo, Santa Marta Antbird, Santa Marta Sabrewing, Santa Marta Wood-Wren and Santa Marta Brush-Finch. Near endemics of the region include Black-fronted Wood-Quail, White-tipped Quetzal, and Streak-capped Spinetail.

Day 15: El Dorado Reserve and return to Bogota 
Another morning at El Dorado searching for new species. With an impressive total of 415 species recorded, this extraordinary reserve is not just important for its local species but equally so for wintering migratory birds. After our final session in the field we return to Riohacha City, flying back to Bogotá, where we stay overnight at Hilton Garden Inn Hotel. Here we enjoy our final dinner and round up before our departure tomorrow.

Day 16 & 17: Departure and arrival in UK
This morning we enjoy our breakfast before making our way back to the airport for our international flights home arriving back in the UK on Day 17.

Please note: all itineraries are given as a guide only. Actual holiday content may vary according to the judgement of your guide, and elements beyond our control (eg weather).

What's included in your holiday price:

  • return scheduled flight London – Bogotá. and internal flights. Airport transfers.
  • full-board accommodation at hotels and lodges, picnic/lodge lunches
  • ground transportation, any National Park entry fees.
  • the services of your leaders.
  • departure tax from Colombia, incidental tips, and the services of local guides.
  • The Heatherlea Pre-Flight Service offers everything you need at the airport, including hotels, car parking, airport lounges, regional flights, and upgrades. Let Heatherlea take the strain! Pre-flight airport hotel and lounge included free of charge, subject to terms and conditions. Read More..

Free Field Guide! - 'The Birds of Colombia' by Miles McMullan is included in your holiday price. One copy per room booked.

What's not included in your holiday price:

  • holiday insurance,
  • tips to local guides
  • drinks, and other personal expenses.
  • Any additional expenses not covered by the itinerary above.

More holiday information:

Accommodation: is in comfortable hotels and lodges. All accommodation is en-suite.
Food: Many regional speciality dishes are found in Colombia. Food is good and generally to European tastes.
Tour Pace and Walking: This is an intensive holiday by Heatherlea standards and is most suited to experienced birders. Colombia is a large country and distances between birding sites can be substantial. Walking will be generally easy, on marked paths and trails.  We may have to walk slightly further at times and on uneven ground with more of an incline. A reasonable level of fitness is recommended to be able to enjoy this departure to the full. 
Weather: Mostly hot, though sometimes overcast, and humid after showers. Temperatures will be mostly between 10°C and 25°C. Temperatures will be variable though, and can be much cooler at higher altitudes. In mid-afternoon, the weather is pleasant and good for birding.
Insects: Mosquitoes and ticks can be a problem in some areas. A good insect repellent is
recommended, though some areas are pest-free.
Group size: is restricted to 12 clients maximum.
Entering Colombia:  Residents of European Union countries (including UK) do not need a visa. United Kingdom citizens will need a valid passport. Citizens of other nations should contact the nearest Colombia Embassy for entry requirements. Your passport should be valid for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of entry. Please note, it is mandatory for tourists to carry a valid health insurance policy. 
Flights: are by scheduled airline from London. We may be able to offer flight arrangements from another airport and/or or quote without flights. If you wish to add an extension either before or after your holiday, please contact us and we will be happy to arrange this for you. Internal flights are included.
Bird Photography: Opportunities are often superb with many species obliging.

Your leaders

Expert Colombian National Andrés Trujillo joined by another from the Heatherlea Team with nine or more clients.

Andrés is a very knowledgeable guide with a great deal of experience birding throughout Colombia and Ecuador. Andres has a tremendous passion for birdlife and has led many Heatherlea groups in Ecuador and Galapagos.




Why choose Heatherlea for your birding and wildlife holiday in the Americas?

Our overseas holidays are planned with care to offer great birding and wildlife, led by capable Leaders who really look after you. Every holiday is run the 'Heatherlea Way', and we hope our Overseas Adventures remind you of the quality and care so many of you enjoy in Scotland. That means rewarding and exciting days in the field, and good quality accommodation and meals, with a real flavour of the country we are visiting. Heatherlea always seek to include the personal touches that make all the difference.

Heatherlea holidays are not ‘dawn to dusk’ expeditions. Our less-intensive approach is ideal for those who want to relax whilst experiencing the best wildlife watching, and wherever possible we organise early or late activity on an optional basis. We also take sensible breaks when in very hot places and regular comfort breaks on every holiday whenever possible. All itineraries are planned carefully around the best wildlife opportunities, and you won’t miss out on memorable wildlife, whilst enjoying relaxed, informal days that are great fun.

The really important part of any wildlife holiday is the experience for you, our valued customer. Heatherlea invest in many things to offer you the best possible service;

  • We have been organising birding and wildlife holidays for over 30 seasons, and have a highly experienced and capable office team. We also offer a telephone and email service outside normal office hours.
  • Heatherlea overseas holidays have a maximum of 12 clients per trip, putting the emphasis on personal service, and helping you get the best possible experience.
  • Our holidays often include things which others might invite you to pay yourself, for instance Departure Taxes and tips to hotels.
  • All elements of our holidays are sold under our own licence, ATOL 6113. Under ‘Flight-Plus’ legislation it is a legal requirement of any tour operator to hold an ATOL licence for the supply of any overseas holiday where a flight is involved, if that holiday includes either overseas accommodation and/or car hire. It can be a criminal offence for an operator to book flights as part of a package without an ATOL licence. Heatherlea also hold full Tour Operator Insurance for your added protection.
  • Heatherlea is your complete wildlife holiday provider. Our ‘Back Office’ team can organise all your pre-flight and other travel needs. Our specialists will help you book the right services, at the best price. Book holiday extensions through us, and your ATOL protection is extended further. We don’t charge extra for this service.
  • Heatherlea is a limited company, registered in Scotland, and registered to pay VAT (applies to all holidays within the European Union).

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The Mountview Hotel, Nethybridge,
PH25 3EB Scotland

T: +44(0)1479 821248
