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News from the Field September 2024

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Autumn Migration in the Highlands

“At the beginning of the week we were experiencing colder night-time temperatures leading to temperature inversion fog in the mornings. This fog lingered in places hampering some of our efforts to find migrants, but we found a good number of Slavonian Grebe and Scaup had already returned to their wintering grounds off the east coast. Out west we found that good-sized flocks of Black-throated Diver were back in the remote sealochs; the biggest single flock we found was 13 but we must have seen at least 30 individuals throughout the whole day, with plumage varying from full breeding to full winter - an ID masterclass! A flock of 40 Twite, which came and perched quite close to us, were a nice bonus too! The Ullapool-Stornoway return ferry journey is a staple of our early autumn tours and is always a highlight. We had really good views of a couple of Sooty Shearwater as they migrated through the Minch and were delighted by views of both Humpback and Fin Whales.

By the end of the week, it was unseasonably warm with temperatures reaching 20°C. While this didn't do much for migration it did mean we had wonderful conditions as we visited Glenshee and got incredible views of a couple of confiding Ptarmigan!”

Holly Page

Sweden in Autumn – Migration at Falsterbo

"For European birders far and wide, Falsterbo is an iconic destination when it comes to autumn migration. I was very excited to lead this tour alongside fellow Heatherlea guide (and Swedish resident) Stephen Menzie. At a time of year when raptors are on the move, within a few hours of arriving we were watching our first Honey Buzzard, Osprey and Sparrowhawk migrating overhead. Passage continued the next morning, and by the end of the week we had seen an impressive 18 species of raptor, including White-tailed and Lesser Spotted Eagle, Black Kite, Hen, Montagu’s and Pallid Harrier – two cracking males of the latter a firm highlight among the group! The constant sound of Tree Pipit and Yellow Wagtail overhead was something UK birders don’t experience either, and when we spent time watching the bushes we often found Redstart, Pied and Spotted Flycatcher, plus Firecrest and Bearded Tit when exploring away from the Falsterbo peninsula. Common Crane, White Stork and Caspian Tern also featured, and among the waders we had nice views of Spotted Redshank, Little Stint and plenty more besides. The weather was something of a revelation too, with daily sunshine, no rain and warm at around 25-30°C all week! Above all, our fondest tour memories will undoubtedly be the raptors. There is nothing like standing at Nabben (at the southernmost tip of Falsterbo) and watching processions of Sparrowhawk heading over and out to sea, only to switch to a low flying juvenile Honey Buzzard moments later! What a place Falsterbo is – I would go back every autumn if I could!"

- Mark Warren

Outer Limits Adventure (week 1)

“Last week I led the “Outer Limits Adventure” trip with two days out on the lovely islands of Lewis and Harris; with stunning landscapes and big turquoise seas, it did not disappoint as the first Pink-Footed Geese and Brent Geese of the autumn arrived, Humpback Whales breaching of Tiumpan Head and plenty of seabirds on the crossing to and from including great views of Storm Petrels.

We also had the chance to explore the highlands, where still lochs offered the perfect backdrop, Crossbills performed well at Tomvaich and Pink-Footed Geese and Ospreys showed well on the Moray Coast where the seasons were combining.”

- Aidan Branch 

Outer Limits Adventure (week 2) 

'"A Semi-palmated Sandpiper had been reported on a loch in West Lewis for a few days so we headed straight there on Wednesday morning hoping to catch up with it. It didn't take long for us to find it - a smaller wader mixing in with the Dunlin. It scurried around, busily feeding and we were able to watch it for quite a while, getting great views!

Our return ferry journey really cemented a great few days on the Hebs, with excellent views of cetaceans including 4 Fin whales , at least 1 Humpback and a White-beaked Dolphin. With still a full day to go locally in the field, we really have had a great week and the weather to match!"

- Holly Page

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The Mountview Hotel, Nethybridge,
PH25 3EB Scotland

T: +44(0)1479 821248
