Mike's Autumn Blog
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Autumn in Bonnie Scotland After the fiery heat of summer starts to subside, many of you turn your thoughts to taking a short break somewhere before the winter chill kicks in – how about Scotl...Full Story
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Autumn in Bonnie Scotland After the fiery heat of summer starts to subside, many of you turn your thoughts to taking a short break somewhere before the winter chill kicks in – how about Scotl...Posted on
News from the Field - April 2024 Cyprus “We enjoyed a great week of birding around Cyprus from our very comfy base in Paphos. Migrants were a big focus of our birding efforts, with classic e...Posted on
Field Notes from Mull Last week our Operations Coordinator Sarah joined our Spring into Scotland group on their two-night stay to the beautiful island of Mull. We asked her to share a few of her hi...
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